
Monday, 28 July 2008

Odd Shots On Monday

This feller's just standing around all wrapped up!
He's getting ready for the Festival.

Odd Shots on Monday is hosted by
Visit her for more Odd photos!


Dr.John said...

Wow! A secret fellow. If this was a television show there would be a body under there but in real life there is probably just a statue they don't want seen yet.

Cath said...

That is a neat odd shot. Mine will be up in about 10 hours from now. Come over!

Katney said...

I would hate to be standing around with no company like that. Hope he doesn't ahve to wait long.

Anonymous said...

Never mind - he's coping...

Kyanite said...

He does look odd - do hope you show him in all his glory once unshrouded.

James Higham said...

Perhaps he's a mummy.

Barbara said...

Hi Dragonstar,

You don't see something like that everyday. Call it a "personal artisitic staement "...
When my hubby & I are in the area of the Louvre museum in Paris, we sometimes see artists who dress up a "white staues"; ash white, in whatever costume.
Paris is full of artists !

Have a great Monday ;)

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is really creepy! France is full of guys doing this for real isn't it.
I could never be so still.

Jientje said...

Ohhh, I would love to come and celebrate, it looks like fun!
But judging from earlier posts, the weather could be better? Did it change yet? I love that sunset you posted earlier!

Texas Travelers said...

Either they are waiting on the opening of the movie,"The Mummy", on Friday or it's a "Guess what it is" contest.

Anyway, it's odd.

Our odd shot is found Here.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha

Nessa said...

Looks like someone should be hawking pasties in the mob.

CherryPie said...

Very secretive indeed!

Anonymous said...

Lol... very mysterious! Hope he's going to have a wonderful time and it was worth the wrap... I mean wait ;-)

Paulie said...

Probably waiting for the dedication day for it to be presented to the community . . . in the meantime, it does look odd.

Rambling Woods said...

Clever idea for Odd Shot..

bettygram said...

When revealed it will be interesting to see the final person.

becky aka theRAV said...

Be sure to show us what he looks like underneath the sheet!

Rosebud said...

A work of art, of the hidden work of art. I do hope you will have more pics of him after the festival.

Also, thanks for that link to the Tonks on Aileni's Loosends. Very informative. Thanks to you, I learned something new today.