This week's theme for Saturday PhotoHunt is RUIN(ED)
I went walking along a lovely new stretch of pavement (sidewalk). It had recently been widened by taking in a bit of the adjoining properties, and was now smoothe and safe to walk on.
Or was it?
For more "ruined" photos, visit TNChick.
Happy Hunting!
Great idea for the theme, but that crack in a new pavement is not good enough!
Yikes! That looks dangerous!!!
Oh dear! That doesn't look too safe!
I hope you are having a good weekend. :)
Oh my that was really ruined not well done I think that's why it was ruined easily. Or looks like an earthquake.
I haven't done my photo hunt post yet! Thanks for the reminder!
I can't believe it is cracking like that already. Someone either did not prepare it properly or used inferior materials. Good choice Dragonstar. Have a great weekend.
That's terrible! You should report that to whomever one would report that sort of thing to. It's obvious that it wasn't installed properly, and someone will get hurt. Hmmph!
But it does make a great photo - I love the textures of "ruined"! Here's mine:
Have a great weekend!
All too familiar, I fear.
Knowing clumsy me I'd certainly catch my heel in the ruined path!
Oh my..I hope someone can fix that asap. It will cause a lot of trouble specially it's in the road.
Perfect for the theme!
Watch you don't fall in there.
Good thing you were photographing it and not fall into it! Perfect choice for our "ruined" theme.
Oh dear. My husband rides motorcycles so he HATES seeing cracks in the road - he says they are really dangerous to bikers (or walkers if it's a sidewalk).
That crack looks quite dangerous! Amazing in a short time! What will it be like in a longer time!
The crack gave me goosebumps. Anyway, I hope that will be repaired as soon as possible before someone's foot get stuck.
That surely is not safe. Nice choice for the theme. Happy weekend!
Mine is up, too. =)
Hope they fix it sooner than later or else someone's day might be ruined!
Whoa....I'm saddened by the labor and finished product of a LOT of things these days. I boggles the mind that the work is done so slipshod now!! No one takes pride in their work...the 'pay'check is the only thing that counts.
My Native American Sonoran Desert Ruin is posted...come join me, won't you?
Happy Hunting!
Gosh... I was thinking this may be a photo of the Grand Canyon or something! =D
That looks quite devastating.
Have a good weekend.
Oh, that is so typical! Perfectly demonstrates why road construction seems to never end, lol.
I have always been afraid of cracks in the pavement - I imagine it would open and swallow me up! I hope it gets fixed soon before someone might get hurt.
Sreisaat Adventures
Very cool idea for this weeks theme!
Oh, that's too bad. That's a pretty good sized crack. I wonder if the weather caused it? Nice shot. Happy HUnting! My Ruined
Don't walk there in spiky high heels! lol
I did Photo Hunt today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and leave your link!
Have a great weekend!
My goodness! That's dreadful. A job not well done.
That's a perfect shot for the theme. Too bad it was ruined so soon.
Ah bummer but great for the theme this week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Wow! Gotta love the expansion thing that goes on, creating cracks in brand-new cement! Well done with this week's theme!
Here's mine: http://dragynm.wordpress.com/photo-hunt-ruined/
Gosh, that looks so dangerous!
Great pictures for this week's theme! That certainly isn't a safe place to walk - I'm sure I would end up turning my ankle stepping in that crack! Hope you are having a good weekend!
Looks like it had a mini- "quake", Dragonstar. Yes, it is ruined. So sad when that happens. Thanks for you comments on my "quake" post.
That is not safe at all. It is ruined , indeed. Great pictures.
Be careful. This looks like it should have been a lovely place to take a walk.
Interesting. I wonder what caused the crack to occur in the first place...
What'd the sidewalk say to the circus bus? 'You crack me up!' LOL! xoxo
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