
Saturday, 1 November 2008

Saturday PhotoHunt - Blue.

This week's subject for the Saturday PhotoHunt is

This was taken one glorious December day at our local fishing port.

For more blue photos, or to join the fun, visit our host TNChick.

Happy Hunting!


Michele said...

It's a beautiful photograph! Many shades of blue in this fine picture!

jmb said...

Lovely photo Dragonstar. Lots of blue where you live I'm sure.

RJ Flamingo said...

Great shot, girl! Love your choice for "Blue."

I see you've got your own dragons, now -- I'll help you make them big and strong!

Please stop by if you get the chance - I'm "Blue" on so many different levels this week!

Anonymous said...

That is truly one of the best pistures I have seen of the port.

YTSL said...

VERY nice. And amazing that in winter, it's really more blue than gray! :)

jams o donnell said...

WHat a beautiful photo Dragonstar. Have a great weekend

Forever Foster said...

It looks like a little peace of Heaven:) What a beautiful spot.

Anonymous said...

There's something about winter blues, in the literal sense, that is more striking. A beautiful shot.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, lovely. I often think I prefer the blue skies of winter, to summer. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I like the view of this nice one. TC

Ellee Seymour said...

That's a beautiful blue. And how about bluebeels too?

Jackie said...

Oh my it reminds of Maine. I was sorting through my pictures for this theme and almost posted some harbor shots myself.

This is beautiful...the blues are just incredible!!

Mine is here:

Happy PH;_)))

Anonymous said...

Fabulous shot! I can imagine I'm standing there with my fishing pole in hand... and I'm so curious what we're having for lunch (in the bag) ;-)

Jientje said...

That's a very lovely blue Dragonstar. I would love to be there, so calm and serene.

Roan said...

Love the blues. BJ

Dr.John said...

Boy would I love to have boat and be there. A great picture.

James Higham said...

Oh, I want to be sailing again.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's gorgeous. I love the way the sky is almost lavender.

Carin said...

That local fishing port looks really nice. Wish I lived closer to such places.

MaR said...

Gorgeous blue and scenery!!
Happy weekend!

JO said...

awesome! where is that?

here's my BLUE sky. Enjoy your weekend!

sammawow said...

What a lovely photo for the blue theme! I'd love to visit there!

Unknown said...

2 dragon hatchlings, I see. oh how cute.

Leslie said...

Wonderful picture for this week! I love coming in to see your PhotoHunt pics. :)

I started teaching Tolkien's The Father Christmas Letters last week in school, and it led to a discussion of Tolkien's art work...

So, long story short, we now have a wall of dragon's eggs up outside the classroom, as we are hatching Smaug.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful serene shot - the blues are just lovely.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! I love the shades of blue in the picture! Well done with this week's theme!

Here's mine:

CalumCarr said...

So many blues.


Liz Hinds said...

It looks like a lovely place in which you live.