ABC Wednesday, hosted by the lovely Mrs Nesbitt, has reached the letter P for the third time.
I've been showing gemstones and jewellery recently, so I thought the obvious thing was to show a string of pearls I've had since the early '60s.
(If, for any reason, you want to read about pearls, here is a link!)
But as you know by now, I rarely do the obvious!
Below is an interesting mineral that also begins with P,
My specimen was once a single pebble, but it's broken down over the years into this rather sandy-looking mess. If you look closely you can see the shiny, yellowish metal flakes. You may also be able to see brownish and even green or blue marks, caused by the iron in this mineral.
Pyrite often occurs as cubic crystals, and there are some nice pictures of this here. Maybe I'll get a bigger sample one day!
For plentiful P posts, see the ABC Anthology or the Linky page.
You may even wish to participate!
Pyrites of the Caribbean or a fool and his gold are soon parted... sorry.
As a kid I used to find Pyrite alongside the road. My dad would pretend it was real gold and give me a quarter for it.
Hmmm....real pearls or fake gold? I think I'll take the pearls. lol Great POST today!
Pyrite is pretty abundant out here in the Rockies... we still find bits and pieces of it while we are trying to pan for the real stuff! Great post.
Mountain Retreat- Canada
The letter P for the third time? Try the Cyrillic alphabet next.
I'm still laughing at Aileni's pun! I have never seen Pyrite, only images. Pearls were something that one of my aunts would just not accept as a gift on superstitious grounds, sign of death. To this day, still the same, but no one else in the family subscirbes to it.
Pyrite has often gotten a seekers heart toI didn't know it broke down that way. Interesting. beating fast.
Never knew that is what fools gold really was!
Perfect P.
I love Pearls! Black and white ones! I love all your gemstones they are so lovely!
Hard to associate your pyrite block and the crystals. What does make the pyrite evolve into crystals? (Maybe I should read the wiki page? Right you are). Nice interesting P.
Fool's gold, oh yes.
But real pearls! How lovely.
Hi Dragonstar,
Oh; so many broken dreams because of Pyrite. It is so rightly called "fool's gold".
Where did you get this rock, Dragonstar? Yes, I do see the sparkles !
Nice contrast between the two :-)
I had never heard of it before! Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful variety minerals and gemstones come in! Formed by totally different processes, two totally different examples.
Sorry your pyrites crumbled.
My brother and I used to find pyrite and pretend it was the real thing. I love the pearls, also. BJ
Good thing I'm in the market for neither "p"earls or "p"yrite, because I wouldn't know what to "p"ay...
Small Sprog ahs some fools gold, he loves it (all that glitters!!)
Pyrite looks very beautiful if you see it for the first time, but it's deceiving, isn't it?!
PITY the POOR oysters that had to give up their PEARLS for that necklace.
Bear((( )))
I love pearls, Dragonstar. Your pyrite entry was very original. Great job!
My mother's name was Pearl, and she almost always wore a necklace of them when she dressed up to leave the house. I love to visit areas flecked with pyrite gold. It is a beautiful mineral.
I love the pearls; especially the clasp.
Pretty pearls. I've got some pyrite from Elba.
Great P. Haven't seen pyrite since vacationing in Colorado about a thousand years ago.
that sure was very interesting.. and educative too. thank you.
Thank You for droping by.
Good choice for letter'P'..PYRITE.
Thanks for sharing and have a nice day
Love the pearls.
Was suprised that your Pyrite had broken down - will have to watch mine.
TY for pointing out my error re my Dragon Scroll link, have corrected it.
My lack of maternal feelings / skills is even showing with Dragon eggs - 3 deaths, and my hatchlings struggling dispite your efforts.
Motherhood is perhaps not for me!
Certainly a contrast; I suspect the pearls would be quite valuable now.
Pearls were my 'something borrowed' for my wedding from my mum. So I've had a soft spot for them ever since.
Hi there!
A question in light of your response to my "A Snapshot into my Life!" post?
Would you have liked to have participated?
I was actually going to tag you then, thought it might not be your thing...
Do let me know for future reference.
And, as the Dragon Den's website is down; does this mean we'll lose our eggs & hatchlings - I certainly hope not....
Your pearls are so beautiful, Meri! I love them. Lucas got fascinated by them since I explained how they were born.
And pyrites are another new thing for me!
Thanks for your precious words of support, Miss Dragon, you know how I treasure them.
Kisses from Nydia.
Visited your hatchlings now they are back on line.
Off to support Jonna's now!
Phew - it's almost a full time job!
I like p for pansies, which I have just planted in my garden.
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