
Monday, 10 November 2008

Odd Shots On Monday

I was out with my camera last week, walking around, looking for some new black and white shots.
This wall struck me as odd.
I've never before seen a wall in a cage!
It looks as is someone put a lot of work into building a dry-stone wall, and was then afraid it might be damaged.

Whoever it was could well have been right. If you look carefully along the top edge in the centre of the picture, you might be able to see where the cage has been pulled apart a bit!

Odd Shots on Monday is hosted by Katney.
You can find more participants in her sidebar or through the comments on her post.


Katney said...

It looks like what we have in mountain passes in areas where rockfall is a concern. Cages like this filled with rocks are placed along the edge of the road on the up side, and racks that fall are stopped by them. Some of the passes in the Cascades are higher in elevation than your highest peak.

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Decidedly odd!
And even odder that someone would want to damage it!

I think Dragon motherhood is not for me, as I fear for my latest egss. Think I'll leave well alone if these fail.

Anonymous said...


Jane Hards Photography said...

It never occurs to me how some things are built they juat appear. Definitely a first for me. said...

that is odd! I wonder what that is all about? & why they need the wall right there in the first place?

TwD said...

I have seen this kind of fence or wall in an Estonian architecture magazine.

Anonymous said...

It's certainly a conversation piece! I can understand Katney's explanation, though... maybe someone in your neck of the woods had extra time on their hands ;-)

Rune Eide said...

I may be too practical, but I think it is only for transportation.

Daryl said...

Caged rocks ..I imagine they must be very dangerous ... ;-D

Nydia said...

Seems like someone tried to steal one or two bricks! Good shot as usual! :o)

Anonymous said...

A wall in a cage.. first time I ever seen that too. Odd indeed. ;) Great choice!

becky aka theRAV said...

A caged wall! Did they think it would run away? LOL