
Friday 29 February 2008

Leap Day

Today is the day that happens once every four years. 28 years ago it was the day my second daughter wasn't born - she waited another 3 days, and ended up well overdue. Still, that's not today's story.

This is a special kind of day, an in-between day, possibly a day to make decisions to affect the next four years. A day of hope.

Yesterday I caught up on my visiting for ABC Wednesday, and I dropped in on Diana. She intends to spend the next 12 weeks exercising and losing weight, and like a fool I said I'd join her!

I've battled overweight most of my life. Two years ago I joined an on-line weight-loss organisation, and eventually reached my target weight. Then came Christmas and typical overeating, and since then I've lost it completely. So tomorrow morning I shall weigh myself, and start exercising - gently!

Wish me luck!


Nessa said...

Good luck. The flowers are so bright and cheery.

Silly Goose said...

The yellow flowers are lovely! Are they blooming now?

Good luck on your diet. You're setting a good example that I should follow. ;-)

Barbara said...

Well I wish you lots of luck with your exercising and I really hope you will be able to keep it up. I always start off with good intentions but unfortunately I rarely keep it up, so I hope you achieve more than me!

Dragonstar said...

Thank you all. The flowers are Potentilla from last year - I need cheering up in the gloomy weather we have at the moment!
It's nearly mid-day, and so far I've been good(lol)

TorAa said...

Haha - you are so honest. X-Mas eating, then: Oh gosh, itæs close to Bikini Season.
Great post, Mine is a kind of different (which is really interesting when communicating with people from alle over this planet)

Damama T said...

BEST OF LUCK! I know what that fight feels like. You, however, are much better at winning it that I have ever been. I have faith in you! Keep us posted on your progress, OK!

Liz Hinds said...

Good luck with the weight loss programme. I have been trying since ... forever it seems. I am uncomfortable with my weight now but don't seem to be able to get a grip on myself. The 12 weeks is a good idea. I wonder if I could ...

Dragonstar said...

toraa, your post is a fun one!

Damama T, don't worry, you'll all know what happens!

Liz, come on, join us - we can do it together!