
Monday, 31 March 2008

Odd Shots On Monday

Here I am at last.
I've been out all day and I've only now turned my computer on.

This is my Odd Shot this week.

The post in the photo carries telephone wires and a road light.
The whitewashed wall behind borders the old graveyard, which might possibly explain the strange decoration.

Or possibly not!

For other Odd Shots this week, visit Katney, who had the idea in the first place.


Lilli & Nevada said...

Usually when we see things like that around here it seems to represent someone died in that spot.
If not its a nice decoration for a ugly pole. Great Odd Shot

Katney said...

There must be an epidemic of flowers in odd places jsut now. In another case it could have been a protest against the continuing snow when it's almost April. How has your weather been?

KOSTAS said...

Extraordinary and strange movement, the placement of flowers!
It should it preceded some accident, in the particular point and certain relatives or beloved friends they left with devotion and love these flowers to clue sympathy of also love!

Dewdrop said...

Great odd shot!

Diane said...

Great idea dixymiss~sounds like the beginning of a new blog!
Great odd shot. Looks like something you would possibly see in a Mexican border town.

Unknown said...

Odd, but lovely. Good catch.

Kyanite said...

That is soo neat.

TY for visiting me, I've been away from home till today, hence no commemts on all photo challanges!


CherryPie said...

I agree with lilli & nevada, that's what it normally means here too...

Paulie said...

Even if it is a memorial it is odd place for flowers.

Daryl said...

Oh .. how ODD indeed..

Silly Goose said...

Some people here in Ontario leave faux flowers at places where accidents have occurred, so perhaps that's what happened here.

However, it's still placed in an odd spot!

Damama T said...

I love finds like that. Makes one wonder what emotional situation spurred the leaving of it. Of course, being me, I always go to the dramatic sadness notion first. ;o}

dot said...

This leaves me with lots of thoughts on how it could have got there. Good post and interesting picture!

Unknown said...

Odd indeed. I like to think it is odd due to the softness of a rose petal against the hard stone.

Anonymous said...

I like the shot... maybe someone just thought the place needed some cheering up. I'd like to think that, anyway.

Barbara said...

That really is an odd shot, I hope its not there because someone died.

imac said...

Great Odd shot.

Also that could mean someone died at that spot here too.

Dragonstar said...

Thank you all for visiting.

This post is just a few hundred yards from my house, so I'd have known if there'd been a death there.

I think the plastic flowers migrated from the graveyard in a high wind, and some-one has tidily set them behind the cable. Much more decorative than having them blowing around in the dust!

seev said...

That sounds like a good explanation. Some just picked them up and stuck them there. I keep wondering what's in that graveyard on the other side of that great wall.