
Monday, 12 January 2009


This week I'm combining Monochrome Monday with Odd Shots on Monday.

Please visit Aileni and Katney for more examples of these memes.


Dr.John said...

Boy a two for one shot. I like it.

Roan said...

Yes, that is an odd angle, and probably an odd subject, but it is a WOW in mono.

Anonymous said...

At least, being so little, it doesn't look that odd to me.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Angles and composition can make the most innocuous object odd, especially in sheer mono. Cleverly done.

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Would never have noticed that shot & B&W is so right for it.

TY for all your well wishes - the briuses are still a nice shade of purple to black, with a tiny touch of yellow - LOL!
But, feeling better as my knee is stating to bend more as swelling easing.


Rune Eide said...

Well done in every way, but it made me winder - where is the tooth-brush?

CherryPie said...

That is an unusual shot!

Anonymous said...

The shadow play is excellent! Very nice in b&w, too.

Aside... I don't think I've ever seen Monday followed by an exclamation point! :-D

Ingrid said...

The only thing I see is that it's a mono photo, but what is odd ?? I can't see what it is, lol !

Daryl said...

Took me a second but then I was 'AHA!'... clever Meri!!!!! The glass shelf in the loo!

Anonymous said...

The shadow of a comb..brilliant..

Jientje said...

I had to look twice but it's a very clever one!

Katney said...

Nice composition, but I am still trying to figure it out.

earthlingorgeous said...

What a nice odd angle!

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment about that nanny who scared the hell out off me.

:) Happy New Year!

becky aka theRAV said...

Hi Dragonstar! I have missed you. I have been away from my blog for the holidays & just couldn't get back into the swing of blogging. Too much to catch up on but I have finally caught up on your's. It has certainly been interesting what you have seen, done & received during the holidays. Great job as always!

michael bird said...

Had to get clues from the comments. Very nifty.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

You should be a professional photographer!

Liz Hinds said...

Got it! It took me a while but I finally realised we have a glass shelf above a sink too.