
Monday, 21 April 2008

Odd Shots On Monday

Striped dog!

For more Odd Shots, visit Katney!

Have a good Monday.


Lynette said...

What a splendid photo! I'm so glad you posted it.

ArneA said...

A very good contribution today.

MaR said...

Great shot and clever dog: the sun doesn't shine on his eyes, perfect for a nap!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I like your stripey dog there. Thta is definately a one off shot. Well spotted.

mrsnesbitt said...

LOL@ arnea'scomment!
yes, beenin the shades.

Anonymous said...

Mar said it first... but, for sure, what a smart pup... keeping the sun out of her eyes! Terrific shot!

Anonymous said...

There's a belly that wants some rubbing!
Great shot DD!!

Kyanite said...

That is a brillent contribution.
I smiled broadly as sooon as I saw it. What a lovely strippy doggy!
Pats & pets to him.

Unknown said...

This is a funny picture. Great catch.

Diane said...

To have this attitude and still be me would be bliss! Great shot!

imac said...

One well hidden doggy. Also such a great photo.

Back from Ireland and sorting photos,but the jars are now revealed.

CherryPie said...

Aww! lovely :-)

Paulie said...

You have me laughing out loud still! I wasn't expecting shadow stripes. heheehehee That is too cute!

david mcmahon said...

Wonderful strip joint - sorry, STRIPE joint!!!

(What, no dragons there?)

raf said...

Wonderful, your little zebra dog. Nice take!

Lilli & Nevada said...

that is too cool

Kostas said...

Splendid and cute your..... striped critter!
Great post!

Sharon said...

That's cute! Love it.

Katney said...

I had the same thought as Arne. Your dog is a zebra!

DigitalShutterMania said...

She(or he) is the very lovely dog.

Liz Hinds said...

What a great photo!

Jane Adams said...

zebra crossing dog! love it. I saw this the other day and thought of you:

Look for the dragon!

Jane x

Suburbia said...

Oh what a great stripy dog!!

Miss_Yves said...

Lovely !A great shot to save for "S"!
Miss Yves

Damama T said...

awww - how sweet. I don't think that's odd at all!