
Monday, 7 April 2008

Odd Shots On Monday

While walking my dog I frequently pass this way. I think I must often walk with my eyes closed, because I only noticed this last week.

There's a garden and a lawn just visible at the top of the bank, which rises beside the track I walk. The lawn is at my eye-level. Some hedge-trees grow along the edge, with roots hanging down. I think they may be holding the bank together!

For more Odd Shots, and for the rules, visit Katney.

Have a good Monday.


Sharon said...

Wonderful odd shot! The short story was good too. Isn't it funny how we can go about our lives and one day notice something that that has always been there but we've never seen before?

imac said...

Great Odd shot, see mine Come and be welcomed by my Duck with open wings.

The Empty Nest said...

That is odd. Great picture. I think we miss a lot of things every day as we are in such deep thought.

Anita said...

I love things that just suddenly pop out at me like this... and I'm sure you're right that the roots hold the whole thing together!

Thanks for stopping by!:)

Kyanite said...

Thats almost creapY!

Kim said...

I love looking around a noticing things I have never seen before. This is a nice thing to notice :)

Lilli & Nevada said...

I love shots of trees and roots, this one looks like the roots are holding the rock

Diane said...

yes, i believe trees sometimes hold the world together. great shot!

Paulie said...

Before the age of digital cameras, no one would think of taking photos of that. I really enjoyed it and it depicts the strength in those roots.

Unknown said...

That is odd, nice picture!

Anonymous said...

What a strange way for the trees or shrubs to grow

david mcmahon said...

Amazing shot. Well spotted.

Quick, get the Araldite.

Katney said...

Yes, we need to be observant to catch these things. Yesterday we went for a drive and a walk. After we had passed about the fourth of a certain interesting sign I said, if we see another like it I want to stop and take a picture. That was the last of them.

Dragonstar said...

Thanks for all your kind comments.
I try to see everything when I'm walking, but it always amazes me just how much I still miss!

Barbara said...

Certainly looks like the roots are holding the walls together!

Damama T said...

It does look like that root has it's toes wrapped around that rock. Neat!