
Saturday, 18 October 2008

Saturday PhotoHunt - Family.

The theme for this week's PhotoHunt is

As usual, I like to be a wee bit different.

This is my family of dragons.
The babies are just hatching.

Saturday PhotoHunt is hosted by TNChick, visit her for more family photos.

Happy Hunting!


Dr.John said...

I just love that picture. All my dragons love that picture.

jmb said...

What a wonderful piece that is Dragonstar. I'm sure you treasure it. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Your Fantastic Family - very Pern-icious.

jams o donnell said...

Haha Great take on this week's theme!

Anonymous said...

That's really a great family shot :)

Anonymous said...

ooo very cool! my sons would love these :)

Liz Hinds said...

I bet mummy dragon is so proud of her family too!

YTSL said...

Wow, you really do have quite the dragon collection, dragon star! :)

CalumCarr said...

The wee ones must be quite big now. have abig house? House-trained?

Leslie said...

Oh my stars! How fantastic! I hatch dragon eggs every year at school.

The students blow an egg at home and decorate it, then they bring it in and we velcros it up onto the wall. The eggs hatch! We find each one shatterered on the carpet after the dragon has left it behind.

We talk about what type of dragon it was, people play along and say they saw things flying by in the corridors...

earthlingorgeous said...

I love your dragon family! Can I have one of the babies!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a nice shot...TC

Anonymous said...

Very cool, Dragonstar! That ought to keep momma dragon busy for a while ;-)

CherryPie said...

Aww! what a lovely take on the theme :-)

MaR said...

What a great family shot!! Red eyes seem to be a family trait...!
Happy hunting and happy weekend !

Damama T said...

You being different is what makes me love you so much!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful take on the family theme. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I like it! Interesting for sure :)

Jientje said...

They're a very cute family!
Somehow I expected yours to be different too!

sammawow said...

That is so charming! I love your dragon family!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Yep! That's definitely different! That's the first dragon family I've seen all day. Great one!

I have some very vintage photos up for my Photo Hunt today! I hope you can get a chance to see and leave your link.

Anonymous said...

Dragons, dragyns everywhere! LOL

Love the pictures! ;-)

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting my blog! wow.. i love your dragons!

Ellee Seymour said...

Yes, a great dragon picture, something different. `I have written about family, though not shown their photo in the same way for photo hunt.

Nydia said...

This is lovely, Miss Dragon! So cute! I love all your dragons' families.


me ann my camera said...

A unique family and an interesting view of it.

Baker Watson said...

I had a hunch I might see a dragon family when I clicked on your blog, lol. Good take on the theme. Looks like that family is getting bigger and bigger.

(Thanks for dropping by and the kind comments on the 'lazy' post)

becky aka theRAV said...

I love your family, Dragonstar!

seev said...

What a lovely bunch of coconuts.. whoooops ... I mean dragonaughts, or cute little red-eyed dragon babies bursting forth. Hope there's enough food for them.....

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Hi Dragonstar!
I'm finally here....
I should have entered my doggy niece & newphew for this one but posted a day too early!