
Saturday, 6 December 2008

Saturday PhotoHunt - Breakfast.

This week's theme is

Rinli, the cat on the right, enjoys dry catfood. It fills him up when he's hungry.
Tris, the cat on the left, is not allowed to eat the dry food as it upsets her elderly stomach. The trouble is that she loves it!

"I want some of that. Gimmee!"

"Mmm. Lovely breakfast!"

You'll find many more breakfasts over at TNChick's. Drop in and try some.

Happy Hunting!


CalumCarr said...

Your cats are better eaters and better behaved than our children.

Sad, eh!

YTSL said...

What a great Breakfast Photo Hunt entry! Love the photos and the accompanying story. :)

Damama T said...

They remind me of my two dogs. Buddy is always trying to get at the food while Mena is eating.

YOur baby dragons are getting so big!

magiceye said...

lol! lovely captures!

Poopsie aka Blue said...

It's always the way, we craze the forbidden!

Anonymous said...

Well, on that occasion she didn't eat enough to make her sick.

jams o donnell said...

Haha, great shots. Our cats often have little squabbles over their meals. Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Great shots! Do you have to stand over them as they eat to keep Tris away? What a shame she has to be deprived of it.

Colin Campbell said...

Ha Ha. Animals. So complicated.

Nessa said...

I think it is so cute when cats use their paws a take out just one piece of food at a time.

Carin said...

They seem to be enjoying their breakfast. Sorry for Tris that she can't eat what she likes best.

Carver said...

I like the shots of your cats busy with their breakfast.

Anonymous said...

So Rinli has to eat secretly so Tris won't get envious. :)

Melli said...

It's sad when they love what they can't have. I can't buy anything with salmon in it - that seems to make both of ours sick. But they suuuuure do LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

Awww... cute...

Anonymous said...

I am impressed at how polite your cats were. Mine refused to share.

Great photos. Stop by and see my Photo Hunt if you have time.

Anonymous said...

Looks a lot like my house when it's feeding time. Nice contribution to the theme!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

So cute! I had 2 dogs who always wanted each other's food, too.

Brita said...

Hah, great shots! That's what my cats were like

RJ Flamingo said...

Your cats are so much better behaved than any of mine ever were! Great post!

Stop by and visit if you get the chance:

Anonymous said...

Too cute, they are! Great shot for the theme!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Great that Rinli shares her breakfast, too :)

MaR said...

Look at that little paw!! so cute! I can relate... I love chocolate doughnuts but my , ahem, adult stomach does not approve them!

Lovely shots for the theme, happy weekend!

Jientje said...

That's a very cute take on this theme!!! I love that paw!

Liz Hinds said...

Aw, bless!

Dr.John said...

Breakfast for the cat that is different.

Michele said...

I love cats so much and this is an adorable post!! Had me smiling!

I want to thank you so much for coming by my blog as often as you have while I was down with my epilepsy. It has been a rough ride and I'm happy for friends like you. Thanks so much!!