
Friday 17 December 2010

The Weekend in Black and White

I have some lovely, heavy, dragon bookends.
They sit all the time facing away from eachother.
Today I'm showing them face to face.


Carver said...

Your dragon bookends are fantastic. I think of you when I see dragons.

John said...

There be dragons!

Barbara said...

Wonderful dragons!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Gentle and affectionate.


Marie said...

Awesome book ends you have got there. Lovely nmono.

Rejen said...

Wonderful bookends you have..Have a nice weekend..

Anonymous said...

They are really cool with excellent details. I really like this!

Gemma Wiseman said...

These bookends are really an impressive example of fantasy! Wonderful shot!

Laura said...

Lovely indeed!!! My daughter would absolutely adore these!! Great the shadows in the details:)

Lachezar said...

Beautiful and a bit scary... quite lifelike! Great capture!

Karen said...

Graceful dragons. Lovely shot.

Gunsside said...

Looks very heavy, great shot
Merry christmas to You ;))

lina@home sweet home said...


Jidhu Jose said...

Wow.....nice shot

Anonymous said...

Quite brilliant. I think I shall leave all the digital B&W to you.

Birgitta said...

Powerful! A great shot!

B i r g i t t a said...

Love them - what material is it?
May dragons are guarding my grandchildren :)

Rune Eide said...

I wouldn't be the one to come between these two! :-)

I enjoyed the way you have caught those stares.

My new contribution is here.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I like these, I think my grandson would too. :)

Unknown said...

excellent tonal range.

Leovi said...

Beautiful shades of gray, very appropriate for your blog.

Cildemer said...

Magnificient! Love your dragons!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a beautiful weekend****

Chie Wilks said...

what an awesome shot..happy weekend..

here's mine

Helena/Bildbloggerian och Fototriss said...

Thank you for your comment! It's my first time joining this challenge, but I hope it wasn't the last :)

Impressing dragons on your photo!

magiceye said...

this is a classic!

raf said...

I do like this close-up, Dragonstar, and the lighting is perfect for the subject. Well done!

Lillianna said...

My daughter is a huge dragonfan...I guess she would cry of envy if she saw those.


Unknown said...

Great detail!

Lillianna said...

Thank you very much for letting my late photo in....!


Serline said...

Very different from the Chinese legends that I see more often ;-)