
Friday, 18 March 2011

The Weekend in Black and White


An ornament on my dresser.
It's one of a kind, as I made it in college. It was an inspirational piece, and I never managed to make another like it.

Many more black and white photos can be found through the Home Page.


Carver said...

You are so talented. Not only for making this but also for how well you photographed it. Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

You've taken an excellent photo of your equally excellent subject!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Very tactile - and intriguing with the light falling on it in this way.


John said...

I'm sure you knew what it was.

Sweepy said...

It looks like a stoneware piece like what my humans make. You should tyr to make another! I made a BW entry this week but my human said I can not enter it. ;-(

It is my birthday, dragonstar, so I am drooly visiting. . .

Anonymous said...

I admired that piece as you made it - the sense of movement is so marked. Water swirling about a weed covered rock...

Leovi said...

A great abstract composition, the picture gives an excellent set of textures and lights, the natural must be spectacular. Have a great weekend!

Dimple said...

It would be difficult to reproduce this piece, I'm glad the camera captured it's unique beauty!

Gemma Wiseman said...

This piece has an interesting melee of indentations and protrusions! Beautiful in monochrome!

Margaret Gosden said...

Isn't it wonderful when something like that happens!
And then to reinvent it in a photo, probably several
photos and now to be able to show it to this wonderful audience!

David said...

I'd say swirls is a great name for this piece. It seems to move on its own.
David/ Houston

Rejen said...

Very interesting, nice shot...;-D

Regina said...

Nice creation and very creative.
Happy weekend!

Laura said...

such interesting texture here...really well suited for black and white with all the shadows and highlights.

Gunsside said...

Great capture of your work ;))

Cildemer said...

Great B&W shot! And great work too! It looks like a brooch! I'd love to wear one like this;o)

Have a nice and happy weekend****

NatureFootstep said...

An interesting piece, And well suited for black and white.

Have a great weekend.

anemonen said...

Lovely endeed.

magiceye said...

this is lovely!

teresa said...

very nice piece and photo of it. great in black and white

Serline said...

Don't know why, but it reminds me of a big huge piece of truffle ;-P

Walk in New York said...

belle recherche photographique, cela rend tres bien

Publicity ;o) Every Friday (and the Weekend), The Challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"

Unknown said...

inspirational piece, very beautiful.

genie said...

This is so pretty. Your capture if awesome, and it just keeps on frowning on me the more I view it. I remember a sculpture piece I did back in college in 1957 of a nun in her habit and veil. I used sand, vermiculite, and plaster.Believe it or not...I still have that thing, and now I look at it as one of my treasures. I am curious what you used for this.