Denise is the originator of this theme.
She is very unhappy at the moment, having suffered the sudden loss of her dog.
You are in all our hearts, Denise.
This week we have reached the letter O.
In this house, O can only be for OWLS.
Yes, I know I am a dragon addict, but my husband is an owl person. His earliest memory is of an owl hooting, and he has always loved them.
This is the first owl in his collection. It came from an old hotel in Swansea, very many years ago, and has stayed with him since. It normally lives in a glass dome, but my camera refused to focus properly because of the reflections. So here is Spook, exposed to the world.
Please see the ABC page for this week's participants. MckLinky misbehaved earlier, so you may need to check the comments to find everyone.