Tiny feather in the grass
I'm late because power has only just been restored. It's been out all day, and I'm lucky it's back now - many places could have to wait for several days!
Please visit the links on the Home Page for great black and white photographs.
...soft landing.
That's very beautiful!
I hope you're safe
@Rob: Safe but bored - no internet until just now, and no coffee...
Such a delicate feather in the grass, a great subject for a b&w photo.
I'm glad to hear you weren't too badly affected by this terrible storm. We don't blame you for being late. And thank you for this delicate photo
The long leaves and dry plants do cast a sad feel
Oh, we lost water on Sunday for five hours due to a water main freezing and breaking. Fortunately, I had bottled water.
The weather lately has been unpredictable. Stay safe.
glad to hear restoring was fast (can't imagine all the stuff in freezers without electricity).
Beautiful photo.
Glad you're safe. Better late than never!
Loved this pic, Stay Safe
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